Sunday, April 6, 2014


Today was a special Sunday for those that belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Every six months, we have what is called General Conference. A two day event with 5 sessions, each lasting 2 hours. We hear from the prophet of God and the twelve apostles and other church leaders. I took some notes and really loved President Uchtdorf's talk on gratitude. Here are some bullet points from the notes I took. The quote above is from a previous Conference, but fits well with these ideas.

* Sometimes we feel like the fabric of our lives is torn at the seams
* One thing we can do to make life sweeter and even joyous (even during difficult times) is to give thanks
* We are commanded to give thanks
* The commandments are opportunities for us to practice our agency and receive the promised blessings that come from obedience 
* We should be thankful for our circumstances, whatever they may be
* We can choose to be like Job who suffered immensely but continued to praise God
* We can experience joy in difficult circumstances
* We can feel the warmth of heaven's embrace
* Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith. 
* We should show Thanksgiving daily! 

I hope we can all CHOOSE joy! Choose gratitude, even during difficult times in our lives. We will be much more happy and content. 

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