
Thursday, August 15, 2013

Carpet Stain Remover

You may ask why I am posting a carpet stain cleaner on a food blog.  Well, to be honest, it was the quickest thing I could do in a really busy week.  And we had a cookout for all the youth in our congregation at my house, tonight, just before I scheduled this blog post. It was great fun and they played Corn Hole and Frisbee and Ping Pong and Foosball and ate lots of hot dogs and hamburgers.  I love working with the youth of our church.  They stayed longer than the activity was supposed to end, but I don't care.  Anyway, that's another reason for the weird post.  I just finished cleaning up from the festivities.  However, we can relate this spot remover to food because the test spot I used is in the dining room where food is eaten and spilled...see where I am going with this?  Yeah, it works.  I think I got this from Facebook, because it is totally turning into "Pinterest," don't you think?


1 large bottle hydrogen peroxide (I asked myself, what is large? When you see the bottles all lined up beside each other , you will know.)

2 tablespoons of baking soda

1 tablespoon of Dawn Dish Soap

1.  Mix all the ingredients together in a plastic spray bottle. Use a good quality plastic.  My bottle appears to be leaking so I will need to switch.

2.  To apply, saturate the stain with the mixture, let it dry, vacuum and done.

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