
Sunday, May 5, 2013

Mormon Morsels: What's On Your Plate?

Quite the catchy title for a food blog post, wouldn't you say?  I placed this sign above my kitchen window.  I used to have a clock up there, but 6 months out of the year it was always an hour off!  Yeah, that's right.  To change the time I would have to get up on a step stool and then stand on the sides of my kitchen sink.  Way too much trouble and probably a little dangerous.  Anyway, to make a long story just that much longer, my daughter brought this plaque home from babysitting at a friend's house. She was de-junking before a move.  It had a metal plate on the front that had a quote on it but I thought it needed to be redesigned for my house.  My friend, Stacie, has a vinyl lettering business and I knew that would be the perfect way to give this thing new life.  I gave it to her and told her I would be trying to figure out what to put on it and since it would be in the kitchen I wanted something, well, kitchen-y.  She gave me some suggestions and offered "The Gathering Place,"  which I thought was really cool. 

One day Stacie and I were discussing the sign.  Thankfully, she had not started on it yet but was ready to get going on it since she had a baby boy joining the family any week and just wanted to get it done.  I told her I understood that because she had a lot on her PLATE.  Ka-ching!!  Stacie, let's do "What's On Your Plate?"  It totally fit in a kitchen setting, but also gave "food for thought."  She loved that idea and has probably added it to her repertoire of quotes for her business.  I gave her permission to use it.  Haha...

So, what's on your plate?  As women, we've "got it goin' on" all the time.  Busy at home, busy at work, busy at church, busy in our communities, busy with our blogs, busy with our dogs.  BUSY! BUSY! BUSY!  (have you ever written a word so many times in a row that it looks wrong?  Yeah, that just happened.) 

We should all be "anxiously engaged" in the things that matter most in our lives, but we need to remember to balance our plate as we would balance food groups for a meal.  A little bit of this, a little bit of that, maybe just a little more of one thing, and then something sweet to top it off (chocolate has to go somewhere).  I won't go into the details of what you or I have to manage or outline a plan to get it all together because today I have a full plate to take care of and I don't have time.  However, if you will click on the Power of Moms button on this site or right here you will find out about a great way to get organized and get things off of your brain (plate) and into action.  It is called Mind Organization for Moms.  I am slowly building my M.O.M. system as we speak.  I need it.

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