
Friday, December 7, 2012

Mom's Rolls

For my first recipe post I thought I would share one of my families favorite recipes.  Growing up we had these almost every Sunday.  They are light, buttery, and melt in your mouth.  Enjoy!

½ cup Warm Water
2 ½ T. Yeast

Mix together and set aside.

1 can evaporated milk
2/3 cup sugar
2 eggs
1 T. salt
½ stick butter softened

Mix above ingredients with 4 cups flour.  Add yeast mixture and 1 cup HOT water.  When mixed well add 4-6 cups flour, if the dough is too sticky (I like mine to pull away from the sides of the mixer but still stick to my finger) add flour ¼ cup at a time.  Knead for 2 min on medium speed.  Let rise until double.  Punch down and let rise until double again.  Punch down then separate into 4 equal parts. Roll 1 part of the dough into a circle. 

Spread about 2 T. of  softened butter onto the dough.

Cut the dough into 12 wedges.

Roll each wedge from the outside towards the center to create a croissant shape (My kids love to help me with this). Repeat with remaining dough.  Place 2 dozen rolls on a cookie sheet (this recipe will fill 2 sheets) cover and let rise until double again.  Bake at 350 for 12-15 min, or until golden brown.

NOTE: This recipe works well for cinnamon and orange rolls.  Instead of rolling into circles roll into rectangles and fill with either of the following:

Cinnamon:                                                  Orange:
1 stick melted butter                                  1 stick melted butter
1 c. brown sugar                                        1 c. sugar
1 t. cinnamon                                             1-2 t. orange zest
Top with cream cheese frosting               Top with orange frosting.  


  1. This makes me so happy to read because these are the same rolls we've had for years. I think one of those recipes which goes around and around in ward cookbooks. :) We always used a pizza cutter to slice the triangles..
