
Tuesday, January 17, 2012

No Milk Pancakes

"Can we have pancakes this morning?" my children asked. "Sure", I said. Off I went to the kitchen in search of the ingredients. Opened the refrigerator and there was NO MILK! I thought, "How had I missed that? Oh well. I promised to make pancakes,they can drink juice with them." But, I still didn't have one of the necessary ingredients to make the pancakes with ...MILK! So, I found this recipe online and they were great. No milk required! Yay for me!

2 cups all-purpose flour
2 TBSP. oil or butter or margarine
1/2 tsp. salt
4 tsp. baking powder
2 TBSP. sugar
2 cups water
2 eggs

Mix wet ingredients together. Mix dry ingredients together in seperate bowl. Combine the two bowls and stir. Get all of the lumps mixed in good. No lumps! Let batter rest for 5 minutes. And cook up some yummy heck with the milk!


  1. I noticed that this recipe seems to have too much water, it is thin even when you let the mixture sit, but because of the extra baking powder it fluffs up. Tastes great too

    1. I just made this thought I too also put too much water but it came out awesome fried it with butter instead of oil

    2. I thought it was pretty good for no milk. Turned my frown upside down. It was just for me so I split the recipe in half. I also used half and half for flour. As in half whole wheat and have gluten free. Hey we work with what we have. Now I am stuffed and satisfied. Thank you!

  2. Tried it and they were the best I have ever made! Never using milk again.

  3. We don't buy milk so i'll try this recipe tomorrow for breakfast.

  4. I modified this recipe a little bit. i used about a 1/4 cup less water, and about 1 extra tbsp. of sugar extra. i also added about 1 tsp. of vanilla extract for a little extra flavor. The end result came out with a nice, "ribbon-y" and smooth batter. I had made this recipe exactly as written the day prior, and it was far too watery for me even after the 5 min. rest. Even if you kept the recipe as-is, and just reduced the amount of water a little this would be perfect the way it is. I think what I ended up doing was I whisked the water into the eggs and butter slowly--started with 1 cup first and whisked it until the eggs were incorporated in well, then I slowly added that liquid to the dry ingredients. THEN, I took my second cup of water and slowly added it in until I reached the texture i was looking for, and it came out to about 1/4 cup less than the recipe indicates. I'm eating them right now, and they are delicious! Not too sweet, fluffy, and golden-brown! I never thought that milk-free pancakes would taste so good!

    OH! And if you have kids (like I do) then add some food coloring to make it fun! I added green yesterday in honor of St. Patty's Day since it's coming this month ^^ my 2 yr old got a kick out of it =D

    1. I �� how your modification sounds! I'm definitely going to try it, as we have a dairy sensitivity in the family.
      I would like to caution you, though, there are a lot of new studies showing that artificial food dyes are toxic to children. Mostly to their brains, and can cause mood and behavior problems. Colorful pancakes are SO fun! Your best bet is to find a natural food dye made from plants. Good luck momma!

    2. Food coloring and vanilla a super idea my mom was sooo suprised

    3. Delicious! I reduced water like you said and added sugar as well, but I did 1.5 cups of water and then 2/3-1 cup of greek yogurt (i used Greek Gods honey salted caramel). The texture still came out ribbony smooth and it's delicious.

    4. bòn, you do realize that with the addition of Greek yogurt, it's no longer milk-free. ;)

  5. This is amazing my mom was SURPRISED. I even added food coloring!!!!!

  6. I have olive oil or should I do melted butter?

    1. just go with the butter you don't want the oil to over power the recipe it has happened to me

  7. im hoping this will work as i have little kids coming over for pancakes this morning.

  8. i am goin to try it now

  9. i hate howw mind came out it's looks alike water i did it but it came out bad

  10. My batter tasted so bland and boring, that I added some brown sugar and vanilla extract to sweeten it up. There was absolutely no sweetness to these before I did that. I'm not one for syrup, so it needed something for me to be able to eat it. Otherwise, it was super easy to make when you don't have milk (which we never do).

  11. Made these for breakfast. They pretty much rock!
    Substituted the flour for whole wheat flour & applesauce instead of oil/butter. Also added a few chocolate chips to the mix. Thanks for sharing :o)

  12. These were delicious!!! I also added a bit of vanilla. Also, with some of the comments being that it was too watery, I added the 1 3/4 cup water to the mixture and then with the extra quarter cup, I soaked in some oatmeal. Adding that in to the mixture made it a bit thicker, but still fluffy and delicious. My husband loves oatmeal pancakes so any way I can sneak it in, I do. Thanks for the recipe! A great alternative when out of milk!

    1. The oatmeal soak sounds like a great idea. Thanks!

    2. I think I might try that some time. Thanks!

  13. At first, I was very disappointed because my pancakes were extremely flat, and did not look like a pancakes, looked more like crepes. But the kids enjoyed them and I was happy it saved me a trip to the gas station (the closet is 20 minutes away) for milk!

  14. Ok tried these tonight. They were as good as the ones I make with milk. Thanks for the idea.

  15. How many pancakes does this recipe makes?

    1. I made about 7 medium sized pancakes.

  16. Thank you for sharing this awesome recipe. Your blog was the only I found that had a decent recipe. For those folks, who think it is not sweet enough, try adding a chopped date or two the water and let it soak for about 5 to 10 minutes to sweeten things up a bit. Also, try adding bananas mashed, make the pancakes taste great by the way. I put two bananas in this recipe, turned out beautiful!

    1. I love banana pancAkes i've grew up eating them. Add a few chopped walnuts or chocolate chips their great I promise.... no syrup nessesary.

  17. I just made these this morning - DELICIOUS! I did use a little more than only half the water and added a few drops of vanilla...but wow with some chocolate chips they're amazing :)

  18. I also added raisins and flax seeds, i let oats sit in the water till it became milky, a little vanilla sugar and these were delicious! Thanks

  19. I'm out of milk, so giving these a try. I will probably lessen the water and add some fruit or other flavor to these. I might even make extras to take to work. I've bookmarked the recipe since it looks like a keeper.

  20. seems like i am the only fatty that added butterscotch syrup and biscuts to my pancakes!!! yum, great recipe when too lazy to walk to shop for milk!! :)

  21. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  22. How do you add biscuts to pancakes?

    The recipe does take a little time to thicken but produces a light fluffy griddlecake.

  23. it ruined my pancakes

  24. I am going to try these now as I am craving pancakes but too lazy to go to the shop :)

  25. Way too thin, and that was after using 1/4 of a cup of water less than the recipe calls for, as suggested above. They turned into crepes (albeit delicious ones) rather than pancakes. I had to add almost a whole cup more of flour in order to thicken them up enough to make pancakes out of them. Next time, I'll just leave out the whole second cup of water.

  26. I have now made these twice and they have become a family favorite. The consistency of the batter is thin, but they cook up perfectly. Thank you so much for the recipe. I look forward to trying some of the other recipes on the site

  27. My grandma and I are going to try to make these this morning. I really hope that they turn out as great as what some of these other people have been saying!:)

  28. thank you for a recipe I could make after I noticed the milk was bad

  29. I followed some of the advice here used apple sauce instead of butter, added a tbsp vanilla, a couple tsp cinniman, a couple apple cinniman instant oatmeal packets, an extra egg, and an extra half cup flour turned out delicious thanks

  30. It tasted like baking soda to me and made me make a face. Even after i added sugar i just threw them away because they tasted so much of baking soda. I will try modifications next time.

    1. Could it be because you added baking soda instead of baking powder?

  31. I did add vanilla and almond extract to mine and in turn used less water. These were very good pancakes and I'm sure can be easily modified to incorporate many different flavors. My kids loved them!! Definitely a keeper :) Thanks for helping me out on a morning where we ran out of milk!

  32. I added vanilla, cinnamon, whole wheat flour, and chocolate chips and used apple syrup from aldi's for my pancakes and they were excellent. I was worried because mine were thicker than everyone here is saying, but I also halved my numbers to make a smaller batch since it's just for me. These are really great!

  33. Not bad....a little too watery and I should have read the comments first but a great help for a dad needing to cook with no milk in the house. Saving this recipe for future use. I should mention that I added vanilla as well

  34. I added vanilla,extra spoon of sugar and cold water and they were fluffy and really good.

  35. Wow...we grew up not using milk in our pancake batter because we were too poor.

  36. What if I used noo salt or sugar?

  37. They didnt turn out very flat and crepe-like for me. If you have that problem your baking powder is probably old. Don't substitute baking powder for baking soda either, it wont turn out.

  38. The one thing I'm confused on is why your website clearly states at the top not to copyright any of your original recipes because all are original, but this one clearly says that you found it online without citing where you found it. That sounds like copyright to me. I like this recipe but would prefer to support the original website.

    1. Hi Anonymous,
      We always disclose where we found the RECIPE but we always take our own recipe photos. If you will go back and read the author's info she says CLEARLY that she found the RECIPE online, not the photo. The photo is hers. We NEVER use another person's photo in our recipes. And the reason that we have the copyright info up there is because we have found OUR PHOTOS being used without permission on other sites and blogs.

    2. Also, our copyright talks about PHOTOS, not recipes. Please reread our copyright statement. I think you skipped over the word "photos".

    3. As far as the recipe writing, it's considered bad blogging manners to just copy and paste a recipe from another site. So when we find a recipe we like, we rewrite it in our own words. So when we say "original writing" we are referring to our wording of the recipe. If we know the source of the recipe, we always note that and many times will link to the source if possible. I think if you spend some time looking around on our site, that will become clear to you.

    4. I also find that it is good manners to link to the original site for the recipe. I understand that the photos are yours and you rewrote the recipe in your own words, but when I blog (not for cooking), I always be sure to link to any resources I used to give them credit too.

    5. I understand what you're saying. This Maven is not with the blog anymore and she obviously forgot to link or list the url to the exact site. My concern was that maybe you thought we were trying to say these were all original recipes. Since she stated she got it online it's clear she wasn't claiming it as her own. I always try to link when I can, but with almost a dozen Mavens blogging here sometimes people forget to say exactly where!

  39. I tried this recipe this morning and they were delicious. Not as sweet as I like but still delicious. I was really craving pancakes because i have not had any in about a year. Thanks. :)

  40. this was so good. i did not think you could make pancakes without milk. this totally helped me with my pancakes craving. thanks for sharing.

  41. very tasty, heavy and fluffy. i think whisking it together made a difference in how nice the consistency was. foolproof if you follow the instructions exactly

  42. I made these last weekend and didn't find them watery or thin at all, in fact they were the most delicious, fluffy pancakes I have ever made! I added a splash of vanilla extract and some white chocolate chips into the mixture and they were to die for!

    Thanks for sharing this great recipe. x

    Leanne - A Slice of My Life

  43. This is a great recipe .

  44. Awesome!!!! Since I was making this for my toddler, I didn't want to make too many. A great thing about this recipe is that all the ingredients can be easily cut in half! I used brown sugar, butter (in case some people are using oil or margarine), added another Tbsp. of the sugar and a 1/4 tsp of vanilla extract.

    I don't know what people are talking about with it being so thin or watery. Mine came out thick (but not too thick) right away. I let the batter sit anyway but it was the perfect consistency.

    I was soooo amazed with how good they tasted considering they didn't come from a box! The recipe is easy enough to memorize so I can whip these up any morning! Thanks for sharing.

  45. This is amazing! I just turned 17 and cant cook to save my life but these came out amazing and tasteful fluffy and not flat and tasteless like the other recipes i tried online thank you so much!

  46. I put some baking soda in it bcs i ran out of baking powder and it taste really bad someone help ×_x

    1. While Baking Powder & Baking Soda are both leavening agents, these are two different items: So, if you must use baking soda, you will need A LOT less:
      Ideally, triple the amount of baking powder to equal the amount of baking soda. So, the 4 tsp of baking powder should be replaced by only 1-1/3 tsp baking soda, or to make sure you have the right amount of dry ingredients you can make baking powder with baking soda and Cream of Tartar (Mix 2 parts cream of tartar with 1 part baking soda)

  47. I made these yesterday, and this morning, my family was excited to have the 'leftovers'. I was told, "These are the best pancakes you have ever made". My husband said they were just as good reheated. I did make a few adjustments -
    - I used 1 cup white flour and one cup whole wheat flour
    - I did not add the sugar - but did include 2 Tbsp of ground flax seed
    - I added one mashed banana and a small amount of vanilla extract (sorry - didn't measure it) to the liquid ingredients.
    oh yeah... and mini chocolate chips too. :)
    Honestly, mine were thin - but that made them similar to (but not quite) crepes, which appears to be what my family prefers.

  48. I used a little less than 1 1/2 cups of water and a tablespoon of vanilla. They came out soo good and fluffy. Yum

  49. We added blueberries that were blended smooth. These blueberry pancakes taste delicious. they turned out purple! thx for recipe

  50. wow! I made these with a little less water after reading the comments and I added one extra Tablespoon of sugar and I did 1 and 1/2 teaspoons of vanilla plus 1/2 teaspoon of orange extract (cuz I have it sitting in my pantry and nothing to use it with lol) they were delish!!! we gobbled them up and that orange extract really made a world of difference it was so good!

  51. Had a craving for pancakes, but every recipe asked for a cup of milk. Im so glad I found your site, craven has been satisfied! I did just a bit less water, worked great, tasted awesome!

  52. This Was Amazingly Awesome!!!! Now I Don't have to worry about milk.....

  53. This recipe was a life saver as I had no desire to make a store trip. I added a little extra salt and substituted light brown sugar (out of regular sugar, too). I also added frozen blueberries, since that was part of my original plan, and the results were fantastic. I personally don't like thick, heavy pancakes, so this recipe was perfect for what I wanted. Thanks so much!!

  54. Omg these were great, unlike the other one I tried.. I just added 1 1/4 cups water instead of two & a little bit more sugar. I decided to add cinnamon for more flavor.. It was great! Love how I don't need milk. 😄👌

  55. I just made this but with 1.5 cups of water, a dash of vanilla, and a handful of fresh picked blueberries. It was a big hit with my husband and two children. I will definitely be using this recipe again and I will plan to check out the rest of your blog :)

  56. I am making them for my family and I am having a blast I am making them for mom dad my brothers and uncle

  57. I love this recipe. I added cinnamon to it. They are so fluffy and tasty. Thank you. I will be making again.

  58. Try using ripe bananas instead of sugar for a more natural taste!

    1. That sounds like a great idea. I'll have to try that next time

  59. These were delish! Were not too thin, in fact we had to add water-probably because of the high altitude! Thanks! We were in a bind with having no milk and no money to buy some.

  60. I just made these for my son, but I added half water / half apple juice and a little less sugar and they were delicious!

  61. What a great recipe! Thank you for reposting. Just made these for my little one and we both enjoyed them!

  62. I add vanilla for flavor.. and i use 1 3/4 cup of water.. my pancake turns out to be crepes.. so i ate with some ice cream and chocolate syrup.. taste good tho..

    1. Sounds like the batter is too thin for some. But crepes sounds heavenly!

  63. these sound GREAT!!!!!

  64. I put a little less than 2 c of water, and added vanilla, cinnamon, and some cut up apples :) they turned out great! Thanks for the recipe!

  65. We are about to try it out today!!!

  66. Delicious! A little hard to mix but tastes so satysfing and delicious! :)

  67. if you are allergic to dairy you cant make these they have butter or margarine and that has milk in it.

    1. If an allergy is stopping someone from making this recipe, there are dairy free margarine's available - Becel is a company that has one. Or you could use oil instead.

    2. The recipe calls for "oil or butter or margarine" so maybe play around with different oils. Coconut oil would be great!

  68. I decided to half the recipe with a few modifications and it came out well!

    I halved the recipe for everything and added about 3-4 tablespoons of flour until it thickened a bit more so it would have a something similar to a pancake batter consistency- though not exact. I added about 1/2 tsp of vanilla extract and an extra dash of salt.

    The pancakes came out fluffy, golden and tasted fine. You can tell that there is something missing, but not by much. I ended up topping these with a berry compote!

    1. Good work on the adjustments! I think sometimes using a different topping than what you regularly have can help to offset that "missing" taste that you're talking about.

  69. My boyfriend was sorely disappointed with these pancakes. He said they taste like not pancakes. Buy milk, he said.

  70. This has probably been answered, but I can use this batter for waffles, right?

    1. Jess....hasn't been tried by us but it sounds like a great experiment. Maybe keep it a bit thicker? Let us know how it goes!

  71. Making pancakes this morning for my 7 year old but my 3 year old is lactose intolerant. This was at least as good as my old favorite buttermilk pancakes from the better homes & gardens cookbook. In fact, I think it was better! Thanks so much for sharing.

    1. Ruth, so glad that it was a hit for you and yours!

  72. How many did this make for you guys?

    1. Lauren, this recipe author no longer blogs with us, but she's a good friend of mine. I will ask her for you.

  73. Wow! My family is so lucky that I was able to find this website. I am a grandmother, but I still have my craving issues. It is close to shopping day, and I am out of milk and sugar. YOU saved my craving pancake problem for tonight. I just put all the ingredients together, substituting sugar for brown sugar, and added Cinnamon, and Vanilla. I read some of the reviews, and liked the thought of Oatmeal, so I soaked some in the batter. I am letting it sit right now, before cooking, but wanted you to know I tasted the batter, it tastes so good. The consistency is perfect. I will let you know how they turn out once I cook, and eat them. Thank you for this website. I LOVE IT!! Oh and so does my family, they don't have to hear me complain anymore tonight about needing a pancake. :)

    1. Thanks so much for the comments! We are so glad you are enjoying our site. We are working on bigger and better things so keep checking back with us! We love our readers!

  74. Thank you so much for this recipe! As I'm only making pancakes for my husband and I, I took a chance and halved the revipe. It worked beautifully and yielded 5 fluffy, delicious pancakes! As you would have guessed, we had a little quibble over who gets the 5th pancake :) Definitely a highly recommended dairy-free recipe!

  75. I cut the recipe in 1/2 and added some vanilla and cinnamon and chocolate chips for my recipe ever!!! Thanks!!

  76. Most yummy pancakes I've made, I used olive oil and doubled the recipe and most moist fluffy pancakes ever. Thanks for the recipe :)

  77. In South Africa these are flapjacks not pancakes. I made the mixture a little runnier and got the pancakes I wanted. it was very good.

    1. Keltria, we call them flapjacks in some parts of the US, too. Glad you enjoyed them!

  78. I made pancakes with your recipes for our camping breakfast, very good, and my husband was really love it.THANK YOU!

  79. Nice recipe.....added 2 scoops protein powder , and 3 egg whites, not be boost in protein to care for the family...dumped it in all together whisked till smooth, awesome.

  80. They were light and fluffy, with only 1-1/2 cups of water, at least until I added a 1/4 cup of honey to sweeten 'em up . . . then they were heavy - a li'l less honey next time . . . or brown sugar & cinnamon maybe instead of the white sugar

  81. What can you do if you have one egg?! What can you do?

  82. thank you! 3yrs ago's recipe and it save my day��

  83. I ran out of milk too thank goodness I found this recipe. I halved the recipe, reduced water to 125cc, added another 1/2 tbsp sugar and it turned out great. It's soft and fluffy. I topped with honey and my girl gobbled up 2 in a minute. The best pancake I've ever made.

  84. After a quick trip to the grocery store to buy syrup. We listened to classy folk tunes while prepping lots of pancakes. Did our best to follow the recipe, but we did not have tea or tables spoon so it got a bit wacky. Apples and cinnamon covered our many blunders. Starting the day with a big group breakfast, filling the tum with flat happy foods! Mormon Maven you've done it again!

  85. I will never again use milk in my pancakes these were nummy! Plus they freeze well. Another bonus us that these are a blank canvas for flavor. Made chocolate chip and mint, another time made chocolate pancakes. Sure these would make yummy cinnamon sugar pancakes as well.

  86. Delicious
    Thank you

  87. Mmmm, these are SO good! I was out of milk, but I really wanted pancakes this morning. So glad I found your page. Thanks for sharing this yummy recipe! I do believe I will use it again!

  88. I just made these. Noticed they'd be thin, but that is ok - more like crêpes than oancakes bit we like both equally around here. Used 1.5 cups flour plus 1/2 cup almond flour. Added a teaspoon of coconut flour thinking it would make them a bit thicker. Still thin, and totally appreciated by my daughter! With leftovers for her for five more breakfasts :)

  89. Also: used one cup rice milk and one cup water :) Cooked them in bacon grease!

  90. Super tasty! Our milk had gone off this morning so I found this recipe and made them with a little less water....fluffy and delicious!

  91. Its turn to be a good one. Just regret i put a bit of soda and 3eggs. Nice fix but still prefare with milk.

  92. Tried this recipe this morning,Im saving this one.

  93. So im out of milk and only have light brown sugar. Is there still a way to modify?
